Sunday, March 31, 2013

planning Sundays, planning Dreams

Yes, I have nothing against slacking on Sundays after all that's what Sundays are for but the cruel reality is that after Sundays it's Mondays. Therefore we need to do something that won't take time off our resting schedule and in the same time help us prepare for the week. That is to dream and plan. Dreaming is of course a great form of planning, because it doesn't throw off your schedule at all and it doesn't tire you out even the slightest bit too. Dreaming can give us infinite possibilities and scenarios, and scenarios can help us prepare what happens later on. Dreams are what the creative side of our brain creates. It is the ultimate gift that can open our eyes at horizons fused with logic and creativity. This is something that we cannot deduce just based on logic. Dreams need imagination and logical assumptions in order to twist reality into another dimension whereby things that are out-of-the-box are actually the truth. What I mean is that just by logical assumptions and examples of reality we cannot deduce the future as life is full of surprises. So dream as we plan, for while we plan, these dreams will contribute to our excitement and our plans for the future. Gloria Steinem is indeed correct when saying that "Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming after all is a form of planning". Here's another story that would show us how dreaming is planning from One Piece as well. This time it features a girl named Robin. The story starts of in an island where the history of the world is their treasure as well as their main interest. This country that was flowing with knowledge found out a dark secret of the world. The secret is that the marines and the world government was actually having a hard time fighting their country before as their country at that time was the country that had the most power until the time when the marines took everything away from them. So the marines after knowing that their secret was known they came forth to this country and commenced an operation that allows the complete destruction of an island. Robin was the daughter of the person who found out the truth and that was her mother. Her mother was then executed by the marines and her island, her home was destroyed by the unjust of the marines. But at that time there was a giant who was her mother's friend tried to help her escape and told her that,"No one in this world is destined to be alone" but in the midst of running away a marine admiral came and killed the giant but letting the girl escape. It was then when the giant was dying told her that, "Don't cry, laugh, laugh whenever you want to cry" and then the girl ran away but before she went up the boat she cried tears of sorrow while leaning on the giants body refusing to go until the admiral told her that, "Don't let the sacrifice of this giant be in vain, escape and tell the world that this country was once a  legend!" So she ran away from the island with a bounty on her head. Robin was a child at that time and everywhere she went she was betrayed and was always on the run. A lot of pain was inflicted at her constantly but she still lived on because she had a dream that is to have real friends and that was her plan to live. Although reality kept on proving to her that that was impossible, she persevered with her plan, her dream. Until one day when she couldn't take it any more, Luffy came and recruited her into his crew. That was when she found out that if she never had a dream as her plan, there will never be this day. So please plan with a dream as the basis.

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